Curriculum Vitae

Cranio Sacral Therapy

Contrary to popular belief the skull is not one bone. It is actually made up of 27 different bones, and, during respiration (breathing) they normally move slightly in relation to one another. This motion is critical in necessary to circulate the cushioning and nourishing fluid around the brain and spinal cord known as the cerebrospinal fluid (C.S.F.). New information suggests the cerebrospinal fluid affects sleep, appetite, and sexual behavior.

Disturbances in this flow of cerebraospinal fluidcan cause headaches, dizziness, TMJ (jaw) pain, reduced mental functioning, visual disturbances, facial spasm (tic)/pain, and recurrent sinus infections. This disturbance may begin as early as the birth process. Sometimes the misshapen head you see in a newborn is inconsequential, sometimes it's the beginning of a lifelong problem. CranioSacral Therapy is subtle and extremely gentle, but very powerful. Dr. Asness works with the natural hydraulic "respiration" of the skull bones, gently encouraging release where it is needed. There is no "forcing" in properly done CranioSacral Therapy.

Key Benefits

Headache relief
Cranial and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) problems can cause headache directly, as the joints and sutures become inflamed. They can also prevent the sinuses from draining properly, causing sinus headache. Additionally, though the true cause of many migraine/tension headaches is still unknown disturbances in the C.S.F. can serve as triggers for migraine and/or tension headaches.

Depression and mental alertness
If the fluid isn't circulating properly around the brain and spinal cord, the nervous system isn't nourished well, and waste products build up. The brain doesn't work at it's optimum level. For proper function and full alertness, you need a fresh, healthy flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
Deep relaxation, deep integration
CranioSacral therapy is deeply relaxing, and normalizes some of the most fundamental rhythms in the body.