Curriculum Vitae

Dietary & Nutritional Counseling

Nutrition n.

1. The process of nourishing or being nourished, especially the process by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and for replacement of tissues.

2. The science or study that deals with food and nourishment, especially in human beings.

The dictionary definition of nutrition indicates the need for food, but doesn’t indicate which foods are best for our bodies. Even though we may be consuming ‘good’ food it often is not be the best for OUR bodies! High octane gasoline, the expensive ‘stuff’, is great, but not if you put it into a car that needs diesel fuel!

GOOD nutrition is when we consume those foods that are best for our particular needs. While we may be buying only the best, most expensive foods we can find often those foods actually take away our vitality and sap other needed nutrients just to digest.

Each individual has their own particular nutritional needs and it is more important for us to be consuming the ‘right stuff’, rather than what we always considered the ‘best stuff.’

We here at Holistic Body Work are very concerned for our patient’s TOTAL health and well being. We have on staff a professional, and very experienced nutritionist, Mr. Ronald B. May RPh. Mr. May first attained notoriety in 1975 when he was interviewed by Barbara Walters on the very popular TODAY show. Mr. May had very successfully treated two of her staff members and had piqued her interest in his ability to help people that had previously been told that all their problems were "in their heads" and not only that there was "nothing that can be done for them" and that they should "learn to live with it". Sound familiar?

Mr. May has helped thousands of individuals to correct the nutritional ‘mistakes’ they had been making and help them with the health and well being problems that they had been living with. Weight loss, food allergies, inappropriate food cravings, asthma, eating disorders, etc. To name just a few of the problems that Mr. May can help you to correct.

If you are 'sick and tired' of feeling 'tired and sick', now is the time to do something about it. You don’t have to 'live with' the problems any longer!

For further information from Mr. May about his consultations please email nutritioninfo@hbwonline.com.